Friday 22 July 2011

A change of plans -

We created some wonderful memories today,
Made the most of a difficult day
Where it seemed somethings were trying to conspire,
But we rose above
and took a chance
and came through
It all became an adventure,
The little things
We often take forganted
Became exciting once again
Even just walking in the rain.
Giving you those simple life experiences
We sometimes try to protect you against
but i know you need
To become what is meant to be
Printed in your mind
Forever and ever
But something you will never remember...
Does anyone remember when they were 2???

And all our yesterdays...

Taking a chance and biting off more than I can chew
Or wait behind
And what comes next?
Letting the thoughts and emotions,
flow like text
on a paper which you've become fond
far above and beyond
What we know and see
Can never really be?
Or so they said when my mind was still young,
fresh like a blank sheet,
now look what it's become...
The questions
The answers
Still posed and alive
Still valid and true
In the passing of minds
And the meeting of times...

Sunday 10 July 2011

The sun has now disappeared over the horizon
Another weekend is gone,
The mind sifts through,
and I wonder if tomorrow I will remember.
back to the mode that seems to never end
from day to day
and week to week.
It makes you laugh
makes you cry
and wonder why...
Until life begins again.
Making plans
Dreaming of the next
Bouncing off one question after another
after another thought,
another task that needed to be done week
Another person that wants a piece
A piece of mindlessness...